Prioritas Jaya Indonesia
PT. PRIORITAS JAYA INDONESIA adalah perusahaan kosmetik yg merupakan pengembangan Avance Modernisasi dari PD. TRI PUTRI AYU yg berdiri sejak 2007.
PT. PRIORITAS JAYA INDONESIA adalah perusahaan manufaktur dan distribusi kosmetik yang merupakan wujud moderanisasi dari perusahaan manufaktur index industri saat ini.
Dengan motto : Cintai produk Indonesia dengan produk kecantikan natural yang terbuat dari bahan alam indonesia sebagai upaya untuk menciptakan keunggulan kosmetika indonesia didalam dan diluar negeri. Untuk itu kami memanfaatkan sumber bahan baku alam Indonesia sebagai prioritas kami.
• Proses produksi yang baik untuk menghasilkan mutu produk yang baik dengan proses sertifikasi CPKB.
• Semua produk yang diproduksi di Perusahaan kami telah mendapatkan Sertifikasi Halal dan MUI.
Produk kami telah terdistribusi dengan baik secara Nasional melalui jaringan pemasaran yang Professional ke seluruh kota-kota di Indonesia baik pasar modern, supermarket, hypermarket, mini market, kios-kios kosmetik. Bahkan dengan adanya perkembangan dunia digital saat ini, Prioritas Jaya Indonesia telah membuka market place di dunia E-commerce sehingga produk juga telah masuk dalam beberapa situs jual beli online skala nasional.
PT. PRIORITAS JAYA INDONESIA juga merupakan perusahaan kosmetik yang menerima OEM Brand/Private Label untuk memproduksi berbagai jenis produk sesuai impian customer dengan tujuan agar customer dapat memiliki produk sendiri tanpa harus mempunyai sarana dan fasilitas pabrik sendiri.
Motto utama kami untuk customer kami :
“Kami siap membantu anda mewujudkan impian produk sukses sesuai dengan keinginan”
PT. PRIORITAS JAYA INDONESIA is a cosmetics company that is a development of Avance Modernization from PD. AYU TRI PUTRI which was established in 2007.
PT. PRIORITAS JAYA INDONESIA is a cosmetic manufacturing and distribution company in which are very expert in their field. We prioritise the quality of a product and not just as a promise. Our company also created different types of local products that promotes Indonesian produce to then introduce it to the internationals in order to bring advance upon our country. We also create a cosmetic with high quality natural ingredients that is trusted by professionals so that the benefits of our cosmetics can be experienced by our consumers.
Nowadays our company is growing based on the standard that was set by BPOM RI and is certified with CPKB also stated as Halal by MUI. In distribution, we kept on expanding our product sales. We actively search and guide distributors all around Indonesia so that more people can experience our product easily. Until now, our products have been spread all around Indonesia by the help of experienced distributors in each city. Our products can be found in supermarkets, mini markets, shops and booths in each city in Indonesia.
With the growth of technology in the world of distribution, PT. Prioritas Jaya Indonesia also expanded through online shopping. Our products are now available in some online shopping websites and can easily be found.
PT. PRIORITAS JAYA INDONESIA also of cosmetics company that accepts OEM Brand / Private Label to produce various types of products according to customers' dreams with the aim that customers can have their own products without having to have their own factory facilities.
Our main motto is for our lovely customers :
"We are ready to help you realize the dreams of successful products as you wish"
PT. PRIORITAS JAYA INDONESIA is a cosmetic manufacturing and distribution company in which are very expert in their field. We prioritise the quality of a product and not just as a promise. Our company also created different types of local products that promotes Indonesian produce to then introduce it to the internationals in order to bring advance upon our country. We also create a cosmetic with high quality natural ingredients that is trusted by professionals so that the benefits of our cosmetics can be experienced by our consumers.
Nowadays our company is growing based on the standard that was set by BPOM RI and is certified with CPKB also stated as Halal by MUI. In distribution, we kept on expanding our product sales. We actively search and guide distributors all around Indonesia so that more people can experience our product easily. Until now, our products have been spread all around Indonesia by the help of experienced distributors in each city. Our products can be found in supermarkets, mini markets, shops and booths in each city in Indonesia.
With the growth of technology in the world of distribution, PT. Prioritas Jaya Indonesia also expanded through online shopping. Our products are now available in some online shopping websites and can easily be found.
PT. PRIORITAS JAYA INDONESIA also of cosmetics company that accepts OEM Brand / Private Label to produce various types of products according to customers' dreams with the aim that customers can have their own products without having to have their own factory facilities.
Our main motto is for our lovely customers :
"We are ready to help you realize the dreams of successful products as you wish"

Produk telah teregistrasi
Telah mendapatkan
sertifikasi CPKB
Telah mendapatkan sertifikasi
Halal MUI RI
Produk berkualitas dan
pelayanan terbaik
Visi & Misi
Menjadikan kosmetika Indonesia dengan kekayaan alamnya sebagai kosmetik Spesifik Natural Beauty yang mendunia.
Make Indonesian cosmetics with their natural
wealth as cosmetics Specific Natural Beauty
throughout the world.
Menghasilkan produk kosmetik yang aman, bermanfaat dan Halal. Dengan daya saing kualitas yang baik.
Producing cosmetic products that are safe,
useful and lawful. With good quality
Cintai Produk Indonesia dengan produk kecantikan natural yang terbuat dari bahan alam Indonesia sebagai upaya untuk menciptakan keunggalan kosmetika Indonesia di dalam dan di luar
Love Indonesian products with natural beauty
products made from Indonesian natural
ingredients as an effort to create a unity of
cosmetics inside and outside of Indonesia.
Outlet Modern Market